Category Archives: personal

Day 6 of the 30 day sobriety journey

Wow – almost a week since I’ve had a drink, even with the Super Bowl today! The journey is going well – the urge to drink is pretty low these days, especially today and yesterday (the weekend).  I don’t know … Continue reading

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Day 5 of the 30 day sobriety journey

It’s now Saturday, the 5th day of not drinking and my first weekend day also not drinking. The weather didn’t get as nice as they were predicting yesterday, so with the cold and snow, if I weren’t sticking to the … Continue reading

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Day 4 of the 30 day sobriety journey

Here I am at day 4 of my journey to not drink.  Strangely, I actually didn’t feel any urge to drink today during work or on the way home.

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Day 3 of the 30 day sobriety journey

Today was my third day of not drinking.  I was quite tempted to get my usual couple 24oz cans of Pit Bull on the way home tonight, but I resisted.  I had constant thoughts of “is once a week OK?  … Continue reading

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Day 2 of the 30 day sobriety journey

Today is the second day of my journey to quit drinking like a fish.  I don’t have a lot of time to write, since I had to work late tonight and I’ve got some scheduled online gaming to do tonight.

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Day 1 of the 30 day sobriety journey

Today, I’m starting a huge change in my life:  I’m going to stop drinking, at least in non-social situations, but maybe altogether. For some background, I am what you’d call a “problem drinker”.  It started over a decade ago, when … Continue reading

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